Author: Petros
•Thursday, April 01, 2010
On Monday a elderly lady from our church went to be with her Lord.
She was the longest survivor of this particular kind of cancer.
The doctors aren't sure how she died she got strep in the leg the day before.
Please pray for her family as they go through this. We know that she is jumping for joy before the Lord with no pain no age forever.....
I can't wait...
The team
"The Lord gave; and the Lord has taken away; Blessed be the name of the Lord"~Job 1,21
Author: Petros
•Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Hello there family,
We got this today.
"Hello Everyone,
Yesterday my good friend A**** called me to tell me that her nephew had fallen from a window three stories high. I think that he is about 3yrs old but not for sure. The reason I am sending this to you is because I think we all need to lift J****, the boy who fell and his whole family up to God. It happened at about 10:00am yesterday and from my understanding he was airlifted to Children's Hospital. It happened when his big sister, about climbed up on top of a plastic play thing that the parents put up against the window and she opened the window. Monkey see monkey do, J**** then climbed up, well the screen gave way and poor little guy fell three stories high and I think landed on concrete. If we could all just keep him and his family in your prayers and thoughts that would be great. Please pray for comfort through this and doctors guidance. J***** has no broken bones but as you can see in this picture he is pretty beet up. He has bruised lungs so that is why he has a ventilator, and they think he has a cracked vertebrate, fractured scull and I don't know what else. I have not received a update this morning but just keep him in you prayers.
Please pray for that little boy. If we receive any more updates we will let you know.
The team
Author: Petros
•Wednesday, March 17, 2010
About four years ago a mother had a baby who died at birth. She just had another baby who's heart took up his whole chest cavity. They did a surgery and then they noticed that his gut is dead. The doctors say he will die soon. Right after the surgery the mother got a call telling her that half their house burnt to the ground. Praise the Lord that nobody was at the house at the time. Please pray for this dear family.
"The Lord gave ,and the Lord has taken away; Blessed be the name of the Lord" -Job 21
Author: Petros
•Thursday, March 04, 2010
We have not posted anything in two months sadly because of either two things A)There has been no problems in anybodies lives for two months. (Well we all know thats not true :)) OR B) No one has sent us any prayer request to
It does not have to be a major problem, if you are willing to pray for it we are.
Thank You
Remember Christ is always with you no matter how dark the place is where you are in.
All to the glory of God!
The team
Author: Unknown
•Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Mrs. D's father was in a serious car accident last night and has broken L2, L3 and L4. The L3 break is the most serious and concerning as it is putting a lot of pressure on his spinal cord so that will require back surgery to try to prevent further damage to his spinal cord as well as try to determine the source of some internal bleeding. They will plan on doing the surgery early tomorrow morning so please pray that God would guide the surgeons hands. Currently he does have feeling in his legs. He also broke 3 ribs, has a collapsed lung and is quite low in oxygen levels.
Please uphold him before the Father in prayer.
Author: Jessie
•Thursday, January 07, 2010
...Just got off the phone with C******, THEY ARE GOING HOME! C****** improved dramatically overnight and this morning and C****** and her precious unborn baby are being released at this moment. She is amazed at all this and agrees this is a miracle from God. We will be talking tonight. She is seeing that God is alive and in control . She thanks you for your prayers.
* - name removed for privacy
Author: Jessie
•Wednesday, January 06, 2010
We just received this prayer request... please lift this young woman before the LORD!
I spoke for sometime on the phone with C******, she is one scared young lady, and she is handling this alone. Her husband has left her and neither of her parents have been able to make it to her side. We talked and prayed, this young mom is crying out to God to save her and her baby, she wants this baby and is putting up a good fight. There will be more test today, blood test checking white bllod count and another, she did not know what it was or for. She is in pain, she won't let them give her much for the pain , because she does not want to hurt the baby....
C*******, is asking for God's protection for her baby and for healing if it is His will. We spoke of salvation and even though she has been raised a mormon, she knows in her heart that Jesus Christ is God, not just Son of God, as she has been taught all her life. She is open and seeking the truth.
* - name removed for privacy
Author: Jessie
•Friday, January 01, 2010
May the LORD bless you richly as you strive to serve HIM in 2010! Thank you following our journey this past year and for lifting up those who are hurting. God is gracious and very good!
Author: Petros
•Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Hello again brothers and sisters,
Ceira's surgery went very well and, all things being equal, she should be able to go home tomorrow. they've asked for prayer for the following:
-that there would be no infection
-that she would be able to sleep tonight
-that the night shift nurse would be an experienced one who stays on top of her situation, especially the pain
-Ceira says it feels like she's having trouble breathing - please pray for that to improve.
Author: Petros
•Monday, December 14, 2009
Hello Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Please be in prayer for our dear sister Ceira. She is going to have a jaw surgery tomorrow. Please pray that she would not get infected and that the Lord would guide the surgeon's hand.
Author: Rachel
•Thursday, October 29, 2009
A longtime champion of homeschooling rights around the globe, Home School Legal Defense Association Senior Counsel and Director of State and International Relations Christopher J. Klicka was called home by his Lord on October 12, 2009, at age 48, following a 15-year battle with multiple sclerosis. An attorney, spokesman, lobbyist, and homeschooling husband and father, Chris is survived by his wife, Tracy, their seven children (ages 11–21), and his parents, Ardath and George Klicka.
“Chris was both a people person and a goal person. He cared deeply about people, but was also driven to always do more!” says HSLDA President J. Michael Smith. “He was the most determined person I ever met in my life. Even with all the things he accomplished every day at HSLDA, he continually wanted to tackle new challenges and serve homeschoolers in more and better ways. He was so focused on the homeschooling world, but he was also very much focused on his family and dedicated to raising his children.”
An integral part of Home School Legal Defense Association’s staff for 24 years, Chris was HSLDA’s first full-time employee, first executive director, and first full-time attorney. He believed passionately that homeschooling was the best educational method for children and demonstrated that passion in every area of his life.
Chris and Tracy homeschooled all seven of their children. He traveled across the United States (and around the world) defending families’ right to homeschool and advocating homeschooling. He participated in countless radio interviews on homeschooling issues. He wrote five books on homeschooling, penned numerous articles, and had two more books in progress when he passed away. He lobbied state legislators, U.S. senators, and foreign diplomats to support homeschooling. He sought greater freedom for homeschooling parents and students in every area—from local school districts to sports associations, college admissions departments, and military recruitment requirements. He sought to educate the educators, truant officers, policemen, judges, and even social workers about the benefits and legality of homeschooling.
Even deeper than his passion for homeschooling was his deep love for his Lord. We may never know how many people Chris inspired to homeschool or continue homeschooling, or how many people he inspired to draw near to his Lord.
“Chris’s accomplishments as a lawyer for homeschooling are clear and of value that cannot be overstated. He was one of the most important pioneers of our movement,” says HSLDA Chairman Mike Farris. “He believed that this truly is God’s way to teach children to love God. He believed it deeply. His conviction was infectious. He was a man of single-hearted devotion that I have never, ever seen equaled. The passion that Chris felt for the mission to which God called him never, ever, ever, ever dimmed, even slightly.”
HSLDA deeply appreciates and honors Chris’s life and his dedicated contribution to our organization and to homeschooling. Our staff will miss him more than we can express, and we are praying with and for his family. The homeschooling movement has lost one of its greatest advocates and friends, but Chris leaves an incredible legacy of freedom and awareness of homeschooling to the thousands of homeschooled students whose parents have made The Right Choice.”
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day-and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.“ II Timothy 4:7-8”
Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you the crown of life.“ Revelation 2:10
Author: Jessie
•Monday, October 12, 2009
Dear praying friends,
There is a part of me that would have liked to keep this news to ourselves for a little while. Chris' journey toward home has been very public, which has been a blessing to us through your intercession and words of love and encouragement. Yet, at this moment, while his loss is so fresh, I had hoped to savor his last moments with us and his passing all to ourselves, but such is not the case.
So with great sadness and with a joy that we can barely contain, we announce that our husband/father Chris has gone home to be with the Lord. He slept peacefully lsat night, though his breathing was shallow and very rapid. Then this morning when the hospice nurse came to check him over, she commented specifically how low his blood pressure had gotten and that with the mottling around his knees and ankles, grayer skin tone and coldness in his face, that he didn't have much time left with us.
I had been sitting with Chris this morning telling him about Megan and her wedding dress and how kind God was to let all us girls be together when she found it. I told him I had so hoped he could see her in her dress before he went Home, and as I was talking two little tears trickled down his cheeks. I know he would have loved to see her! I know, too, he so wanted to be able to communicate with us at the end. It broke my heart to see his sadness. I imagine, though, too, that his tears were mingled with joy for Megan's future with Brendan.
After Anna (the hospice nurse) took Chris' vitals a second time, his blood pressure having dropped some more, she recommended that I get our kids down to see and talk to their dad.
I called them all from whereever they all were around the house, and when the last child came, Bethany announced, "Hey, Dad, we're all here. We love you!" Chris took one more breath and was gone.
I know to try and describe our sadness--the longing and aching in our hearts right now--would be impossible, so I won't try. I will share a picture the Lord gave within minutes after Chris' departure.
I saw him with his old western boots and jeans on (like he used to wear at Grove City College when he would run over to see me at my dorm--he was a senior and I was a freshman when we met there), running at top speed in Heaven. I pictured a huge smile (the one I love best) on his face and fellow saints yelling out greetings of welcome to him, some even asking him to stop and visit with them, and heard his reply, "I've got to run for the Lord up here. I'm making up for lost time down on Earth. I'm praising God and have to use my legs to do it. Stop me in about 100 years, and we'll sit down and have a nice long visit!"
Two days before God brought Chris home the Lord gave me this short verse to encourage me:
"No longer cloaked in frail humanity,
His spirit soars to gain Celestial joys,
Unimpeded by death's dark night
And free from the weight of sin's alloys.
My beloved sings! The object of his song
Is the One who bled and died for him,
No sweeter name did e'er he speak
Or treasure in his inner man."
Thank you, for both grieving AND rejoicing with us, and for your continued prayers for us these next weeks and months!
Looking forward to that day, when we too, shall see our beloved Jesus face to face,
Tracy, for Chris (one last time) and the whole Klickaclan
Author: Jessie
•Monday, October 12, 2009
Tonight was another hard evening. Without going into much detail, Chris was having urinary blockage, which was giving him a lot of discomfort. We didn't realize it for most of the day, but God was merciful to allow his catheter to stop working, so we would know this. The nurses were unaware of the problem as well.
Hospice came out this afternoon, changed his catheter, and flushed the line several times when a lot of blood clotting started coming through the line. When I realized Chris was needlessly suffering and was accumulating a lot of blood clots in his bladder, I felt horrible and quite sick to my stomach.
I was so thankful my friend Cathey, who has been there all through the hospital/ICU days and several days of home hospice. She came back in town this afternoon and was there to comfort me at a very critical moment. I just needed to grieve over one more example of how we must live out our lives in a very fallen world. The comfort of Christ means so much in these times!
God has given me such peace through this whole process; I marvel at His mercy. It's just when I see Chris suffering that I have a really hard time. My heart just breaks to see this brave, dear man of mine hurting. The morphine does help to keep him calm, even though I had having to give it to him. I am thankful for the relief he gets from that.
All the indicators are showing that while Chris' heart is strong, he does not have much longer in our world. His temp. is up, his pulse is weaker, he is getting quite dehydrated, and he has internal bleeding from his bladder (possibly left over from his UTI two weeks ago). I am thankful for these last hours and moments with him, and desire for him to gain a better reward, his heavenly one!
I did want to share some sweet news amidst all the sadness. Megan, who flew in late last night, along with Bethany, Susanna, Charity and I took a short break this afternoon to go to a David's Bridal in the area, just for fun, to look at wedding dresses. Brendan and Megan, who recently got engaged, have decided to get married next July.
Well, because we didn't have an "appointment" to try on wedding dresses, we resigned ourselves to only be able to "look" at some. After I asked her about several different dresses, Megan found one and asked what I thought. When I saw it, I had a pretty good idea it would be the perfect dress.
We begged the attendant to allow her to try on "just this one dress"--and to our surprise, he agreed. When Megan stepped out of the dressing room, we all knew it was just perfect for her. Absolutely gorgeous we all thought!
God was so kind to allow this non-planned shopping trip turn into an opportunity to see Him at work, bringing Megan the perfect dress at a really wonderful sales price. Thank You, Lord.
We have been praying the Lord might allow Chris to wake up just long enough to see her in it before he goes Home. I know if he could, he would just burst with joy.
Thanks for your continued prayers--we grieve with hope in Him.
I love this song by Sovereign Grace Music, from their album, Come Weary Saints, and plan to go to sleep listening to these words:
Oh, the deep deep love of Jesus
Vast, unmeasured, boundless, free
Rolling as a mighty ocean
In its fullness over me
Underneath me, all around me
Is the current of Your love
Leading onward, leading homeward
To Your glorious rest above
Oh, the deep, deep love
All I need and trust
Is the deep, deep love of Jesus.
Tracy, for Chris and the Klickaclan