Author: Jessie
•Monday, April 27, 2009
Blessed be the Name of the Lord! Please pray for the family and close friends as they cling onto Jesus for hope.
Thank you for earnestly beseeching the Lord for our dear friends, the K***** sisters. Caitlin joined her sister in heaven on April 24. The neurosurgeon determined on April 23 that she had no brain activity, but they kept her on on life support overnight while waiting for organ recipients to be lined up. The girls were both homeschooled, strong believers, and faithful workers for God's kingdom.
We are grieving for the loss of these two beautiful girls, but rejoice to know that Christ has overcome death and the grave. They have now entered a glorious eternity with their Savior that is greater than anything we can imagine. Please continue to pray for comfort for their parents. They are showing strong faith in the Lord, yet are still in shock and grief. These were their only two children.
2 Notes:
Jessie, did you know the K****** sisters?
I did not know them closely, but through mutual friends, I have met them once or twice... Thanks for praying!!
Resting On Jesus and Holding to the promise that in Christ there is no Goodbye,