•Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Brothers and Sisters,
Ed was recently (about two weeks ago) in an very serious motorcycle accident, unwisely he was not wearing a helmet. The doctors had to fuse his spine to his skull, which was basically crushed, he has stitches from ear to ear...They have had him on life support, but took him off. Last night he had some large seizures, and was on life support again. For some reason Ed was scheduled to be removed from life support again this morning. He has only shown slight signs of brain activity, and that was a number of days ago.
Worst of all: Ed does not know our Saviour. Please pray that Ed will be spared from death without salvation, & that God would have mercy on him & keep him alive to serve Him.
".....and God doeth it, that men should fear before him." Ecc. 3:14
Let's fear the God who can give and take away. And trust that He has a plan for Ed, and for the rest of us.
Soli Deo Gloria,
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