Psalm 9:18
Please pray for Carrie* & her husband, James*, who had to return her 2 year old baby 4 months ago by court order to his birth mother after having him for 2 years. The court did not see the danger. The mother, Sharon, is not mentally stable, she is very poor (not her fault), her boyfriend (the father) is in and out of Jared's life, the house is filthy. Sharon cannot cope (prior drug and alcohol addict) so she is calling and visiting (bringing the child) to the foster mother, Anne, which is tearing her heart out. There are a lot of family members praying but the stress on both mothers is great. God is able, we know, but the heartache is so great right now.
The foster mother is my niece and I can see she is suffering so not wanting to turn away the birth mother but knowing it's not good to keep in touch.
Any prayers said for the situation will be so appreciated. Thank you so much.
* - names changed
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