Today was a good day.We so feel your prayers for us and the Lord has been so kind to answer them!
This morning all of Chris' vital signs were at normal levels. No pain meds were needed as he had no pain today. His urine output was good; his breathing remained very steady (with only a few bouts of labored, staggered breathing); he was able to get water from the swab we gave him several times today.
In addition, although his lungs have fluid in them, they are not causing him as much of a problem since we stopped hydrating him by IV. The congestion has also settled down.
Chris slept a lot today, but when he was awake, he was able to smile, reply in very short phrases after long pauses to other's questions, and truly enjoyed having the children and me with him.
I was especially thankful that he had NO pain today! God is SO very kind to Chris and to us, to keep him engaging with us a little longer.
I even was able to take a short nap with him, and could only praise my Father for letting me have some precious time with Chris alone, even if he was only sleeping.
Most of the children were able to have one-on-one time with their dad today, and I'm hoping the rest of the children will have that opportunity tomorrow. I am hoping to have some time with Chris tomorrow too, where he is lucid and communicati ve. I have so much to say to this dear man of mine!
Please pray that God will continue to grant peaceful sleep, little pain, and good breathing to Chris through the night and tomorrow. Pray too, that Amy, Megan and I would all have some meaningful time alone with Chris, and that if he develops pain that requires him being put on pain medication, it wouldn't be until after we have a chance to talk to him when he's lucid and communicative.
Thank you, so very much, for your prayers for us. May God be glorified in your answered prayers.
"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end. They are new every morning; great is Thy faithfulness." Lamentations 3:22
With deep appreciatio
n and gratitude for your encourageme nt and prayers; God IS good…ALL the time, Tracy
, for Chris and the Klickaclan
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