Author: Jono
•Tuesday, May 05, 2009
We received an urgent email today that definitely calls for fervent prayer:

Please pray for the safety of my grandson Jo*. His mother, who is a meth addict, has taken him this morning. When he didn’t show up for school today, the school called my son Ja*. Ja* went to Jo's* mother's (T*) apartment and it was empty. After talking to a few of her “friends”, as well as her ex-husband, Ja* found out that she had failed a “UA” for methamphetamines with her probation officer, who decided to give her another chance. Ja* and his wife H* are out looking for T* and Jo* now at some motels where the addicts hang out. Obviously this is not a safe place to be so please pray for their safety as well. The police won’t get involved at this point because T* is Jo’s* mother so we’re not sure what else to do. Please pray for wisdom. But most of all, pray that Jo* will be found safe and unharmed quickly! Also, T* is a lost soul who needs Jesus. Pray that this will bring her to the point of seeking and finding our Savior!

As she has said, everyone needs prayer: Safety of Jo*, the salvation and safety of his mother T*, and the safety of Ja* and his wife H* while they are searching. May we also lift up all those who are likewise addicted to such terrible things, our God is great!

Glory to God,


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