Author: Petros
•Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Hello again brothers and sisters,
Ceira's surgery went very well and, all things being equal, she should be able to go home tomorrow. they've asked for prayer for the following:
-that there would be no infection
-that she would be able to sleep tonight
-that the night shift nurse would be an experienced one who stays on top of her situation, especially the pain
-Ceira says it feels like she's having trouble breathing - please pray for that to improve.
Author: Petros
•Monday, December 14, 2009
Hello Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Please be in prayer for our dear sister Ceira. She is going to have a jaw surgery tomorrow. Please pray that she would not get infected and that the Lord would guide the surgeon's hand.
Author: Rachel
•Thursday, October 29, 2009
A longtime champion of homeschooling rights around the globe, Home School Legal Defense Association Senior Counsel and Director of State and International Relations Christopher J. Klicka was called home by his Lord on October 12, 2009, at age 48, following a 15-year battle with multiple sclerosis. An attorney, spokesman, lobbyist, and homeschooling husband and father, Chris is survived by his wife, Tracy, their seven children (ages 11–21), and his parents, Ardath and George Klicka.
“Chris was both a people person and a goal person. He cared deeply about people, but was also driven to always do more!” says HSLDA President J. Michael Smith. “He was the most determined person I ever met in my life. Even with all the things he accomplished every day at HSLDA, he continually wanted to tackle new challenges and serve homeschoolers in more and better ways. He was so focused on the homeschooling world, but he was also very much focused on his family and dedicated to raising his children.”
An integral part of Home School Legal Defense Association’s staff for 24 years, Chris was HSLDA’s first full-time employee, first executive director, and first full-time attorney. He believed passionately that homeschooling was the best educational method for children and demonstrated that passion in every area of his life.
Chris and Tracy homeschooled all seven of their children. He traveled across the United States (and around the world) defending families’ right to homeschool and advocating homeschooling. He participated in countless radio interviews on homeschooling issues. He wrote five books on homeschooling, penned numerous articles, and had two more books in progress when he passed away. He lobbied state legislators, U.S. senators, and foreign diplomats to support homeschooling. He sought greater freedom for homeschooling parents and students in every area—from local school districts to sports associations, college admissions departments, and military recruitment requirements. He sought to educate the educators, truant officers, policemen, judges, and even social workers about the benefits and legality of homeschooling.
Even deeper than his passion for homeschooling was his deep love for his Lord. We may never know how many people Chris inspired to homeschool or continue homeschooling, or how many people he inspired to draw near to his Lord.
“Chris’s accomplishments as a lawyer for homeschooling are clear and of value that cannot be overstated. He was one of the most important pioneers of our movement,” says HSLDA Chairman Mike Farris. “He believed that this truly is God’s way to teach children to love God. He believed it deeply. His conviction was infectious. He was a man of single-hearted devotion that I have never, ever seen equaled. The passion that Chris felt for the mission to which God called him never, ever, ever, ever dimmed, even slightly.”
HSLDA deeply appreciates and honors Chris’s life and his dedicated contribution to our organization and to homeschooling. Our staff will miss him more than we can express, and we are praying with and for his family. The homeschooling movement has lost one of its greatest advocates and friends, but Chris leaves an incredible legacy of freedom and awareness of homeschooling to the thousands of homeschooled students whose parents have made The Right Choice.”
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day-and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.“ II Timothy 4:7-8”
Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you the crown of life.“ Revelation 2:10
Author: Jessie
•Monday, October 12, 2009
Dear praying friends,
There is a part of me that would have liked to keep this news to ourselves for a little while. Chris' journey toward home has been very public, which has been a blessing to us through your intercession and words of love and encouragement. Yet, at this moment, while his loss is so fresh, I had hoped to savor his last moments with us and his passing all to ourselves, but such is not the case.
So with great sadness and with a joy that we can barely contain, we announce that our husband/father Chris has gone home to be with the Lord. He slept peacefully lsat night, though his breathing was shallow and very rapid. Then this morning when the hospice nurse came to check him over, she commented specifically how low his blood pressure had gotten and that with the mottling around his knees and ankles, grayer skin tone and coldness in his face, that he didn't have much time left with us.
I had been sitting with Chris this morning telling him about Megan and her wedding dress and how kind God was to let all us girls be together when she found it. I told him I had so hoped he could see her in her dress before he went Home, and as I was talking two little tears trickled down his cheeks. I know he would have loved to see her! I know, too, he so wanted to be able to communicate with us at the end. It broke my heart to see his sadness. I imagine, though, too, that his tears were mingled with joy for Megan's future with Brendan.
After Anna (the hospice nurse) took Chris' vitals a second time, his blood pressure having dropped some more, she recommended that I get our kids down to see and talk to their dad.
I called them all from whereever they all were around the house, and when the last child came, Bethany announced, "Hey, Dad, we're all here. We love you!" Chris took one more breath and was gone.
I know to try and describe our sadness--the longing and aching in our hearts right now--would be impossible, so I won't try. I will share a picture the Lord gave within minutes after Chris' departure.
I saw him with his old western boots and jeans on (like he used to wear at Grove City College when he would run over to see me at my dorm--he was a senior and I was a freshman when we met there), running at top speed in Heaven. I pictured a huge smile (the one I love best) on his face and fellow saints yelling out greetings of welcome to him, some even asking him to stop and visit with them, and heard his reply, "I've got to run for the Lord up here. I'm making up for lost time down on Earth. I'm praising God and have to use my legs to do it. Stop me in about 100 years, and we'll sit down and have a nice long visit!"
Two days before God brought Chris home the Lord gave me this short verse to encourage me:
"No longer cloaked in frail humanity,
His spirit soars to gain Celestial joys,
Unimpeded by death's dark night
And free from the weight of sin's alloys.
My beloved sings! The object of his song
Is the One who bled and died for him,
No sweeter name did e'er he speak
Or treasure in his inner man."
Thank you, for both grieving AND rejoicing with us, and for your continued prayers for us these next weeks and months!
Looking forward to that day, when we too, shall see our beloved Jesus face to face,
Tracy, for Chris (one last time) and the whole Klickaclan
Author: Jessie
•Monday, October 12, 2009
Tonight was another hard evening. Without going into much detail, Chris was having urinary blockage, which was giving him a lot of discomfort. We didn't realize it for most of the day, but God was merciful to allow his catheter to stop working, so we would know this. The nurses were unaware of the problem as well.
Hospice came out this afternoon, changed his catheter, and flushed the line several times when a lot of blood clotting started coming through the line. When I realized Chris was needlessly suffering and was accumulating a lot of blood clots in his bladder, I felt horrible and quite sick to my stomach.
I was so thankful my friend Cathey, who has been there all through the hospital/ICU days and several days of home hospice. She came back in town this afternoon and was there to comfort me at a very critical moment. I just needed to grieve over one more example of how we must live out our lives in a very fallen world. The comfort of Christ means so much in these times!
God has given me such peace through this whole process; I marvel at His mercy. It's just when I see Chris suffering that I have a really hard time. My heart just breaks to see this brave, dear man of mine hurting. The morphine does help to keep him calm, even though I had having to give it to him. I am thankful for the relief he gets from that.
All the indicators are showing that while Chris' heart is strong, he does not have much longer in our world. His temp. is up, his pulse is weaker, he is getting quite dehydrated, and he has internal bleeding from his bladder (possibly left over from his UTI two weeks ago). I am thankful for these last hours and moments with him, and desire for him to gain a better reward, his heavenly one!
I did want to share some sweet news amidst all the sadness. Megan, who flew in late last night, along with Bethany, Susanna, Charity and I took a short break this afternoon to go to a David's Bridal in the area, just for fun, to look at wedding dresses. Brendan and Megan, who recently got engaged, have decided to get married next July.
Well, because we didn't have an "appointment" to try on wedding dresses, we resigned ourselves to only be able to "look" at some. After I asked her about several different dresses, Megan found one and asked what I thought. When I saw it, I had a pretty good idea it would be the perfect dress.
We begged the attendant to allow her to try on "just this one dress"--and to our surprise, he agreed. When Megan stepped out of the dressing room, we all knew it was just perfect for her. Absolutely gorgeous we all thought!
God was so kind to allow this non-planned shopping trip turn into an opportunity to see Him at work, bringing Megan the perfect dress at a really wonderful sales price. Thank You, Lord.
We have been praying the Lord might allow Chris to wake up just long enough to see her in it before he goes Home. I know if he could, he would just burst with joy.
Thanks for your continued prayers--we grieve with hope in Him.
I love this song by Sovereign Grace Music, from their album, Come Weary Saints, and plan to go to sleep listening to these words:
Oh, the deep deep love of Jesus
Vast, unmeasured, boundless, free
Rolling as a mighty ocean
In its fullness over me
Underneath me, all around me
Is the current of Your love
Leading onward, leading homeward
To Your glorious rest above
Oh, the deep, deep love
All I need and trust
Is the deep, deep love of Jesus.
Tracy, for Chris and the Klickaclan
Author: Jessie
•Saturday, October 10, 2009
Praise the Lord! Megan should be arriving soon.... Please continue to lift up the Klicka family as they say farewell to Chris and look forward to a place of no more pain, no more tears, and no more goodbyes...WHEREVER TWO OR MORE OF YOU ARE GATHERED...
Dear praying friends,
I wanted to write and let you know that Megan is on the plane and should be landing in Denver in about an hour and a half! God is good!
Even more than thank you for praying (which I am VERY grateful for), I want to say THANK YOU for being such a visible witness to the world of the love God's people in Christ Jesus have for each other. This is so pleasing to Him! (remember Jesus' high priestly prayer in John 17)
May the world look on and marvel at the love He has given to us, and gives through us...and may they long to know that same Love, to the glory of God our Father!
"As Thou didst send Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world...that they may all be one; even as Thou, Father, art in Me, and I in Thee, that they also may be in Us; that the world may believve that Thou didst send Me.
And the glory which Thou hast given Me I have given to them; that they may be one, just as We are one; I in them, and Thou in Me, that they may be perfected in unity, that the world may know that Thou didst send Me, and didst love them, even as Thou didst love me." ~John 17:18, 21-23
Thank you for loving us, yes, but even more, loving Him. Soli Deo gloria!
With so much gratitude in our Jesus,
Tracy, for Chris and the Klickaclan
Author: Petros
•Saturday, October 10, 2009
Please continue to lift the Klicka family up to the throne of grace... in these last hours with Chris in this weary world before he makes it finally Home.
Dear praying friends,
We would be so grateful for your prayers right now for our daughter Megan. She is scheduled to fly out of Atlanta at 6:55 into Denver, but the weather is bad here (icy, 22 degrees). The flight out has already been postponed until 8:30pm, but they may need to postpone it longer.
If there are no further delays, she will now not arrive until 10pm, and it's a 2 hour drive in less than optimal road conditions (my trip up to Denver to pick up Ben & Bethany this morning took an extra 45 minutes because the roads were icy).
Megan is trying to get here before her dad passes away, and we know this would be VERY hard for her is she misses him (Chris took a distinct and definite turn for the worse this morning).
Please pray for the following:
1. That God might just miraculously clear up the weather in Denver, allowing Megan to fly out here sooner, rather than later
2. That she would not get stuck in the Atlanta airport overnight (she's all by herself; is this not a mother's nightmare?)
3. That Chris would hold on until Megan can get here and be able to connect with him.
4. That Chris' breathing will not be so labored that we'd have to put him on Morphine to smooth it out. It has been very labored on and off today. Once on Morphine, he will not be able to engage with any of us, including Megan.
5. That God will grant safety and good road conditions tonight for Bob (in a good 4-wheeler, pick-up truck), who is bringing Megan back to the Springs.
6. That I might not be anxious for Megan or Bob (okay, I already am); that I might keep my eyes fixed on my Lord in all of this and trust that His timing is perfect and He is holding everything together!
7. Some of our other children are agitated; I think they sense my concern and are also concerned--it just looks to me, however, like fussy irritability to me, garbed in teenage vocabulary and I'm having a little trouble being patient with them :)
THANK YOU for praying for us!!!
God IS good...ALL the time,
Tracy, for Chris and the Klickaclan
Author: Jessie
•Friday, October 09, 2009
Romans 8:38-39 -- "For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord".
I love this hymn and as I was reading the words tonight, I was greatly comforted in the Lord as we wait, and wait, and wait.
Be still, my soul, the Lord is on thy side;
Bear patiently, the cross of grief or pain;
Leave to thy God, to order and provide;
In every change, He faithful will remain.
Be still, my soul, thy best, thy heavenly Friend
Through thorny ways leads to a joyful end.
Chris has been largely unresponsive today, and mostly sleeping. He was awake just a little this morning, again mouthing words we tried but could not make out, so faint was his voice. He did seem generally at peace, and still free from physical pain. How we thank the Lord he is, and is also free from any mental anguish that we can observe. God's kindness to him and to us is so great in this.
I do long for him to be able to jump up and run to His Savior, Jesus though, and so, though I am glad to have him with us a little longer, have been impatient for his COMPLETE healing. Any healing he might miraculously experience on this earth could never come close to what he will experience when the Lord calls him Home!
The Lord gave Chris a special blessing several months ago when he had an opportunity to meet by email one of his greatest heroes of the faith, Joni Eareckson Tada. They have periodically written to each other and have prayed for the other's joy and contined trust in the Lord while living in bodies that wait for the resurrection.
One of the last things Joni and Chris said to each other was that they were looking forward to clogging in Heaven. What a day that will be to see the two of them, wrapped in a boundless joy, dancing before their King together!
As Chris' breathing gets shallower and shallower, I know his soul is expanding more and more, so that he might be able to experience more fully the delight of seeing His Savior Jesus face to face. This afternoon, as I sat reading the Psalms to him and praying for him, he woke up slightly and for the first time that I could make out his words, slowly said, "I love you." And then followed with these words, "I'm ready to die," to which I responded, "Honey, I love you!" and only wished I had added, "No, you're not ready to die; you're ready to REALLY live!"
Lord, we trust in You and Your perfect timing...
Be still my soul, thy God doth undertake
To guide the future as He has the past.
Thy hope, thy confidence, let NOTHING shake;
All now mysterious shall be bright at last.
Be still, my soul, the waves and winds still know
His voice who ruled them while He dwelt below.
Be still my soul, the hour is hastening on
When we shall be forever with the Lord,
When disappointments, grief, and fear are gone,
Be still, my soul, when change and tears are past,
All safe and blessed we shall meet at last.
With love and gratitude for your prayers for my beloved's soon Homecoming,
Tracy, for Chris and the whole Klickaclan
Author: Petros
•Wednesday, October 07, 2009
It has been a very difficult past 24 hours. Chris slept for a very long time from Sunday evening to Monday evening without pain and remained calm throughout this time frame. How we thank the Lord for His mercies.
Starting around 1am however, Chris became restless and started talking out loud. Jesse was sleeping with him last night, so was up with him for almost three hours, while Chris engaged in a fair amount of nonsensical conversation.
At 4am, Beth and I woke to him yelling and sounding distressed. We ran upstairs, relieved Jesse and sent him upstairs to bed, and then called hospice to ask if Chris needed some anxiety relief medication, which they confirmed he did.
From 4-6:30am I stayed with Chris while he continued to keep talking, and seeing and hearing things no one else could. He wasn't upset or distressed, but certainly wasn't going to sleep.
At 6:30am, with a splitting headache, I came down to the kitchen to get some water and tylenol. I found Beth lying awake on the couch and ready to relieve me, which she then did for two hours, as she sat with Chris, who remained fully awake and engaged in conversation.
While he didn't always make sense in the early morning hours, God did give us the blessing of hearing him declare God's sovereignty and love for him. He said he knew he was dying, and that while he wanted to live until he was 80 and keep working and serving the Lord, he could rest in knowing God was bringing him home. He truly did seem at peace. How kind God is to answer my prayer that I would know this!
When Bob arrived early in the morning to join Beth, Chris' conversation continued by laying out his desires for some of the children, particularly Jesse that he would carry on with spiritual and practical instruction in several areas, and he commissioned him to come alongside me as his mom. Jesse and I were asleep when Chris shared all this, but Bob and Beth did a great job writing everything down to share with us later.
As the morning progressed, Chris remained fully awake, but started showing greater signs of mental distress and less clarity in his thinking and communication. He also became more and more physically restless, and we tried to make sure he was both as comfortable as possible and safe from harming himself in any way.
Waiting what seemed like forever for the hospice nurse to come and medically assist Chris in calming down, and seeing him become more and more anxious finally broke me down. I've been holding up pretty good so far by God's grace, but this just undid me. I cried out to the Lord for mercy for Chris and called our pastor Tito for prayer, advice and encouragement. It is a horrible thing to see the one you love in mental anguish and you can't help.
Once the nurse did arrive and adjust his anxiety medication, she also prescribed medication to help calm down Chris' hallucinations. It took a while for the meds to work since Chris had gotten to a pretty advanced state of distress, but once they started working, he was noticeably calmer.
I was so hoping he would be able to finally sleep since he had now been up almost 24 hours. No go; he was still wide awake and is just now starting to show signs that he is ready to sleep. I don't think he is anxious at all, but Chris is really non-communicative at this point. This could change, but he is giving every indication that he is in the final stage of life here with us.
I would be so grateful for your prayers for Chris for the following:
1. that he would be able to get solid, peaceful sleep
now for many hours
2. that he would not be troubled by any more mental distress and that the anti-anxiety meds would work to ease him and keep him calm
3. that whatever time he has left with us would be sweet; I so desire for him to hear our words of love, comfort and God's Word until he runs into the arms of Jesus
4. that if he isn't taking in food and fluids any longer, that God would bring him home very soon (It doesn't look like he'll be eating or drinking anymore as he didn't eat at all today and drank about only 4oz. of EmergenC water--it's getting much harder for him to swallow.)
5. that in his last days and hours, Chris would feel the arms of his heavenly Father wrapped around him; that he would actually begin to anticipate with joy (even if we can't see it visibly) his homecoming with the Lord!
Thank you for your prayers, faithful friends and family!
Tracy, for Chris and the Klickaclan
"Let the beloved of the Lord rest secure in Him, for he shields him all day long, and the one the Lord loves rests between His shoulders." Deut. 33:12
"You have rescued me from death; You have kept my feet from slipping. So now I can walk in Your presence, O God, in Your life-giving light." Psalm 56:13
Author: Jessie
•Monday, October 05, 2009

The view out Chris' Window
Dear praying family and friends,
I am deeply touched by the outpouring of prayers, encouragement, and love that you have shared with us these past days. Even though we've been away from our home since September 19, we have been absolutely surrounded by the loving arms of Jesus here in CO Springs via the local body of Christ here.
Several friends from VA and a few other states have also been here, walking with us through this whole journey. And then your prayers and encouragement, as the larger body of Christ have been used of the Lord to buoy our spirits and help us keep our eyes fixed on Him, the Author and Finisher of our faith. Thank you!
And indeed, the Lord Jesus is helping Chris to finish strong. He is still with us; we don't know God's timing, but we know for certain that he is in transition. Chris was able to recognize this for himself just yesterday morning in a conversation he had with my dear friends Beth and Bob while the children and I went to church with our home hosts.
Chris is aware God is preparing a heavenly mansion for him, and he is both ready and at peace. He is still without pain, is comfortable, and has slept peacefully days and nights.
In addition, the children and I are resting in the goodness of God in this journey. We are sad, but thankful that soon our daddy/husband will be RUNNING into the arms of His Savior. I have wept both tears of sadness and tears of joy as I contemplate Chris' future. How precious have been the extra days the Lord has given us!
We know that God is the Screenwriter of Chris' life story. He is the Director and the Producer. Every moment of footage is in His hands. He is sovereign; He is all wise; He is all good; He is love itself. Our hearts are full beyond words in the knowledge of this and we rest in the good of this.
I wrote this quote last February (after listening to a sermon at church as we started our series in Genesis), and what great encouragement it gives me anew today:
"The chaos of sin, suffering, trials, pain, loss and death DO NOT have the final say. Chaos must give way to God, who orders all things, who brings life out of death, healing out of sickness, rest out of chaos, forgiveness for sin. For those in Christ, REST & EVERLASTING JOY are our reward!"
Thank you for your continued prayers--may the Lord impress His good promises upon your hearts today!
With love in Chris, our great Savior and risen King,
Tracy, for Chris, and the Klickaclan
"O Lord, my God, Thou art my God; I will exalt Thee, I will give thanks to Thy name; For Thou hast worked wonders, plans formed long ago, with PERFECT FAITHFULNESS...
For Thou hast been a defense for the helpless, a defense for the needy in his distress, a refuge from the storm, a shade from the heat...
And the Lord of hosts will prepare a lavish banquet for all peoples on this mountain; a banquet of aged wine, choice pieces with marrow, and refined, aged wine...
He will swallow up death FOR ALL TIME, and the Lord God will wipe tears from all faces, and He will remove the reproach of His people from all the earth. For the Lord God has spoken.
And it will be said in that day, 'Behold, this is our GOD for whom we have waited that He might save us. This is the GOD for whom we have waited; let us REJOICE and be glad in HIS SALVATION!"
~Isaiah 25:1,4,6,8,9
Author: Jessie
•Friday, October 02, 2009

Today was a good day.We so feel your prayers for us and the Lord has been so kind to answer them!
This morning all of Chris' vital signs were at normal levels. No pain meds were needed as he had no pain today. His urine output was good; his breathing remained very steady (with only a few bouts of labored, staggered breathing); he was able to get water from the swab we gave him several times today.
In addition, although his lungs have fluid in them, they are not causing him as much of a problem since we stopped hydrating him by IV. The congestion has also settled down.
Chris slept a lot today, but when he was awake, he was able to smile, reply in very short phrases after long pauses to other's questions, and truly enjoyed having the children and me with him.
I was especially thankful that he had NO pain today! God is SO very kind to Chris and to us, to keep him engaging with us a little longer.
I even was able to take a short nap with him, and could only praise my Father for letting me have some precious time with Chris alone, even if he was only sleeping.
Most of the children were able to have one-on-one time with their dad today, and I'm hoping the rest of the children will have that opportunity tomorrow. I am hoping to have some time with Chris tomorrow too, where he is lucid and communicative. I have so much to say to this dear man of mine!
Please pray that God will continue to grant peaceful sleep, little pain, and good breathing to Chris through the night and tomorrow. Pray too, that Amy, Megan and I would all have some meaningful time alone with Chris, and that if he develops pain that requires him being put on pain medication, it wouldn't be until after we have a chance to talk to him when he's lucid and communicative.
Thank you, so very much, for your prayers for us. May God be glorified in your answered prayers.
"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end. They are new every morning; great is Thy faithfulness." Lamentations 3:22
With deep appreciation and gratitude for your encouragement and prayers; God IS good…ALL the time,
Tracy, for Chris and the Klickaclan
Author: Jessie
•Thursday, October 01, 2009

John (11) as he is reunited with his daddy.
Please continue to lift up Chris Klicka and his family before the throne of grace.. as he plunges into that last river and meets our beloved Savior on the other side.
We want to give you an update on how Chris is doing. He is still with us, but is making a steady transition toward going home to be with our heavenly Father.
Yesterday morning, John and his daddy had a blessed reunion. He spent a long time on the bed with his dad, just resting his head on his daddy's shoulder.
Later in the afternoon, with friends and family gathered around, we sang praises to the Lord at Chris' request. Even in his reduced condition, he was spiritually leading us! Chris was worshipping the Lord with us, frequently mouthing the words to the songs, even saying a loud, clear "Amen" when we finished. His special song request was "Great is Thy Faithfulness".
Starting Wednesday morning Chris was taken off IV fluids, because his body was unable to process them. He has difficulty and his liquid intake is minimal. He's not showing any signs of discomfort or pain at this point and has been able to sleep at peacefully at night.
Although his lungs are starting to fill with fluid, causing him to occastionally cough and have a little difficulty breathing, he is still able to communicate using short, broken phrases.
He is at peace with this part of his journey. He shows no signs of anxiety or fear. God continues to work through Chris' life, even at this stage. He was was able to reminisce with some childhood friends who flew in just for the day, and he spoke of God's goodness even knowing he will soon be leaving us.
As the Lord provides, we will continue to update you.
Please pray for:
1. The Lord's will to be done in Chris' life in these last few days. Chris expressed a desire to finish strong.
2. Chris also asked for prayer for comfort for all of us, especially his parents.
3. The children and I desire that Chris would be free of pain. We would love to see him not need pain medication which would cause him to be less lucid and less able to communicate with us. We want him "here" us as long as possible!
Thank you for your continued, faithful prayers for Chris and all of us! We are so grateful for you. Soli Deo gloria!
Author: Jessie
•Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Megan Klicka (Second eldest daughter) updated the praying body of Christ on their website this morning:
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Yesterday afternoon, before moving our dad into hospice care, our pastor, Tito Mercado, gathered us all around Daddy.
We had a beautiful, precious, sweet time together as Tito proceeded to commend Mommy and Daddy's marriage which has been filled with grace for 25 years.
We wept together and yet rejoiced as Tito told us all that he had never encountered a couple who had undergone such suffering and trials in their marriage.
We all laid hands on Daddy and prayed for him. The Lord was there with us as we lifted up our precious Daddy and committed him to the Lord's care.
Daddy was at peace. He is at peace...complete peace.
"For better or for worse, in sickness and in health, in life and in death..."
Thank you all,
Author: Jessie
•Monday, September 28, 2009

A man who has changed lives and served Christ with his all!
Chris KlickaChris has had chronic progressive declining Multiple Sclerosis (MS) for 15 years now. Every one we know who has this rarer type of MS lives about only eight years from the time of diagnosis, so we are especially grateful he has been able to continue to work full-time for HSLDA and be a faithful husband and father to 7 children.
Despite all the concentrated endeavors we've made using many therapies, diets, and supplements, last December Chris was in a car accident from a hit-and-run driver while driving by himself and his car was totaled. While God was merciful in that Chris had no concussion or serious physical injury, the trauma to his brain was enough to cause an increase of current and addition of new symptoms, including:
- visual problems
- hearing loss
- loss of taste
- loss of movement
- loss of his right arm (on & off)
- sleep problems
- incontinence & bowel problems
- growing loss of his left hand
- tremendous difficulty walking & often standing
- needing assistance for most everything now
- growing joint pains & sores over his body
Most of these problems are new since the accident and a failed attempt to stop the progression of the MS with a heavy dose of prednisone in March.
Because of the pretty rapid progression of the MS from March until now, Chris pursued a 3-wk. clinical treatment of hyperbaric oxygen therapy at Miracle Mountain Children's HBOT Center in Creston, NC.
That period of treatment didn't produce any discernable benefit to Chris, and his symptoms continued to progress.
We kept trying to keep Chris' symptoms stable, but the hypothermia continued to bring his already low baseline temperature down.
With one last trip Chris wanted to make, Chris took a dramatic turn for the worse, and has now only a very little time left with us.
We thank the Lord for His grace & mercy, His sustaining power, and His provision of help from friends and family through these past several months.
Even as God has chosen not to heal Chris in this life, we know He is good! Our sins deserve only His righteous wrath, for which He himself paid the penalty by sending His son to die for us! There isn't anything greater the Lord could give us than His redeeming love and pardon for our transgressions!
All glory to His name!
- Update -
1. Vital signs are and have been stable for over 12 hours now. We are esp. thankful his blood pressure is up. It was critically low. His temperature which was at a life-threatening 85.8 got up to 96.6, which, while not life threatening, is completely debilitating for someone like Chris with MS. It was around 91 when we left last night which is much better for him.
2. Chris has two infections, both of which, combined with the MS, have put him into a status of critically ill. First, is a urinary tract infection. This has responded well as of last night to antibiotics. Thank the Lord! Two, he has pneumonia. While it is not a severe case for normal healthy people, it is very serious for Chris.
3. He had to be on oxygen 20% midday, but as the afternoon progressed, they continued to up that to 100% and finally had to resort to using a bipap machine, which is a mask that forms a seal on the nose/mouth area and pumps oxygen into the lungs. By last night, his oxygen levels had come up, and held steady so that they could remove the bipap machine.
He came very close to having to be put on a ventilator if the bipap machine failed to get his oxygen levels up. This is a serious step to take, and not one to make lightly. We are thankful the doctors did not have to do that.
Concerning interventive measures, Chris and I talked quite a bit in the last two months about what he would like to have done and what he would not want done should the need arise to visit this issue. Chris, who was never one to want a lot of medical intervention, decided that he did not want to be artificially prolonged.
If the doctors had told us they needed to put him on a ventilator, even though Chris said he did not want to, I would have asked them to do it, but only so that our children could be with their daddy before he goes home to be with the Lord.
Chris is close to going home we believe. He is fairly unconscious, non-responsive and has had no nutrition since Thursday except hydration and electrolyte and glucose supplementation.
He is not stable or responsive enough to move from the ICU unit here at St. Francis Medical Center in Colorado Springs. With almost complete certainty, he will not be coming home to Virginia.
Because of this, we flew Bethany, Megan, and John out here to be with their daddy. Chris parents just flew in early this morning. In addition, our family life pastor is flying in today at noon.
We don't know how much time we have left with Chris, but we believe it is not long. As a family, we all knew that Daddy was getting worse; we just didn't expect him to be getting ready to go home to be with his Abba Father quite this soon. We are all at peace with whatever God has planned, knowing that because He is there, it is all good.
Thank you for your prayers as we prepare and spend our last days and hours with Chris. May they be filled with many precious moments and sweet fellowship with him!

The Klicka Family
Author: Petros
•Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Hello Brothers and Sisters,
I have received a request to pray for an F-16 pilot who recently lost his wife to an unknown problem. She had fought and won a battle against cancer and was in the hospital giving birth to a premature child. The baby survived and they brought her home and all was well. Shortly thereafter, she (the mother) started having headaches and they couldn't figure it out, so they went to the hospital and she died yesterday. Please pray for this young pilot who lost his wife and must look after a one week old. Pray that the Lord would guide him and give him strength in these hard times.
In our Lord Jesus Christ,
Author: Unknown
•Thursday, September 17, 2009
Dear Brethren,
I just received word that our brother in Christ,
Gao Zhisheng, has been released and is now on parole. Thank you for joining in prayer on behalf of this warrior for the Kingdom of God.
Please continue to pray for healing for him and his family, and for
religious freedom for the church in China.
(If you are unfamiliar with the story, you can view the previous request,
Author: Unknown
•Wednesday, September 09, 2009
Dear Friends,
We are praising the Lord! Jessie's injury was not as severe as had been thought, and her projected recovery time has been shortened to 2-5 weeks. Our Lord is so good and gracious!
Author: Unknown
•Sunday, September 06, 2009
Please pray for Jessie, as she injured her shoulder this last week, and it looks like it could be a while in healing. May our gracious God heal her quickly, and restore her strength.
Author: Reed
•Saturday, August 22, 2009
Josiah went to be with his LORD at 10:00 am.
Please pray for the family while they are going through this sorrowful time.
In Christ
Author: Unknown
•Friday, August 21, 2009
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Please be praying for healing for Josiah, and for strength for his family as they are lead through this soul-wrenching trial. We praise the Lord that they are His children, knowing that He cares tenderly for His own.
The request from Josiah's aunt is below.
In Faith,
"Dear Friends,
I am so full of sorrow as I write this email to you all.
At midnight, Bob and I got a call from my sister, Sarah, in Tennessee with the news that her 18 year old son had been in a terrible car accident. They were at the hospital at that time but were not yet allowed to see Josiah.
She asked at that time if I could ask my friends to pray.
Later at around 5am Sarah called back. Both she and her husband, Steve, had spoken with two Doctors. One was hopeful, the other offered no hope at all. His skull fractured and severe head trauma had occurred.
I spoke with my parents who live in southern calif. a little while ago. Steve's brother had called and given the news to my dad just minutes before I phoned. It was heartbreaking to even be talking to my mom and dad of such an unthinkable event. I asked my dad what information Steve's brother had given him, knowing it would be the most up-to date. He replied that it was going to take a miracle.
Sarah told me at 5am that she is believing God for a miracle and I know that she would want us all to pray the same.
My sister's entire family are Christians. My brother in-law is a pastor of a Calvary Chapel in TN. I am sure their entire church knows by now and is praying. Please pray as you are led by the Lord for my sister's entire family and my parents. This is so, so hard for them and being such a long distance away makes it even tougher.
Whatever be the Lord's will we say, "Blessed be your name."
Thanks so much,
P.S. I will send updates as I receive them"
Author: Jessie
•Friday, August 21, 2009
" But the needy will not always be forgotten, nor the hope of the afflicted ever perish. "
Psalm 9:18 Please pray for Carrie* & her husband, James*, who had to return her 2 year old baby 4 months ago by court order to his birth mother after having him for 2 years. The court did not see the danger. The mother, Sharon, is not mentally stable, she is very poor (not her fault), her boyfriend (the father) is in and out of Jared's life, the house is filthy. Sharon cannot cope (prior drug and alcohol addict) so she is calling and visiting (bringing the child) to the foster mother, Anne, which is tearing her heart out. There are a lot of family members praying but the stress on both mothers is great. God is able, we know, but the heartache is so great right now.
The foster mother is my niece and I can see she is suffering so not wanting to turn away the birth mother but knowing it's not good to keep in touch.
Any prayers said for the situation will be so appreciated. Thank you so much.
* - names changed
Author: Jono
•Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Bowe's family is from Idaho, and are believers. Please pray for this young man and his family. Let's also lift up those in authority, both in our country and in Afghanistan.
Glory to God,
Author: Jessie
•Friday, June 26, 2009
A thought for the day:
When I say, "I am a Christian," I'm not shouting, "I've been saved!"
I'm whispering, "I get lost! That's why I chose this way"
When I say, "I am a Christian," I don't speak with human pride
I'm confessing that I stumble-needing God to be my guide
When I say, "I am a Christian," I'm not trying to be strong
I'm professing that I'm weak and pray for strength to carry on
When I say, "I am a Christian," I'm not bragging of success
I'm admitting that I've failed and cannot ever pay the debt
When I say, "I am a Christian," I don't think I know it all
I submit to my confusion asking humbly to be taught
When I say, "I am a Christian," I'm not claiming to be perfect
My flaws are far too visible but God believes I'm worth it
When I say, "I am a Christian," I still feel the sting of pain
I have my share of heartache which is why I seek His name
When I say, "I am a Christian," I do not wish to judge
I have no authority--I only know I'm loved
~Carol Wimmer
Author: Jono
•Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Brothers and Sisters,
Ed was recently (about two weeks ago) in an very serious motorcycle accident, unwisely he was not wearing a helmet. The doctors had to fuse his spine to his skull, which was basically crushed, he has stitches from ear to ear...They have had him on life support, but took him off. Last night he had some large seizures, and was on life support again. For some reason Ed was scheduled to be removed from life support again this morning. He has only shown slight signs of brain activity, and that was a number of days ago.
Worst of all: Ed does not know our Saviour. Please pray that Ed will be spared from death without salvation, & that God would have mercy on him & keep him alive to serve Him.
".....and God doeth it, that men should fear before him." Ecc. 3:14
Let's fear the God who can give and take away. And trust that He has a plan for Ed, and for the rest of us.
Soli Deo Gloria,
Author: Jessie
•Friday, June 19, 2009
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
This morning, the Lord saw fit to bring little Eli to Himself. Please pray for the family of Eli... His lungs could not support him and he is now home with the Lord. Please pray that Eli's family will be comforted at this time of loss, in hope that one day they will see him again.
The Lord is very good, even when we do not understand.......
Author: Jessie
•Friday, June 19, 2009
But the eyes of the LORD are on those who fear him, on those whose
hope is in his unfailing love. - Psalm 33:18
A dear friend of mine has delivered a baby boy at home this morning. Eli James is 6 weeks early. Please pray for no complications, that God will lift them up and help Eli to grow into a mighty and Godly man.
Our Lord is very great!
Author: Jessie
•Wednesday, June 17, 2009
"Delight yourself in the LORD, and He will give you the desires of your heart". ~ Psalm 37:4
Brothers and Sister in our Savior,
A dear friend of mine has asked that I request prayer and although I will keep the name anonymous, she has been on my heart a lot and I've been praying! I know you all will do the same. This beloved sister in Jesus desires to serve her Savior with all that is within her and although tough trials have hit their family, she continues to hold fast to Jesus. As the oldest of soon to be 10 children, her responsibilities are many and living in a small mountain town has taken it's toll on all of them. Please pray that the Lord would provide for their family, give them direction and peace -- knowing that Christ knows their every need. I can personally thank you for your prayers and I know this beloved sister appreciates it very much!
We serve a wonderful God!
Author: Jessie
•Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Psalm 6:2 ~ Have mercy on me, O LORD, for I am weak; O LORD, heal me, for my bones are troubled.
Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,
A dear sister in Christ is battling with a kidney infection and praise be to the Lord she is now on antibiotics. Please lift this precious sister before the throne of grace and pray for healing and no further complications....Our Lord does GREAT things!
Author: Jessie
•Wednesday, May 27, 2009
The Lord has heard our prayers and in His Will -- seen fit to bless Little Tait's family with a BIG blessing... Praise be to the Lord!
May 27 -- Update: Thanks to the blessing of God, and His working through the thousands of people who supported us, we have met our June 3 goal of $51,644 a week early! Honestly, we never expected to receive this much response, and are in awe of the Lord's mercy and power! We are still waiting for negotiation on the $650,000 hospital to be completed, and are working on the "small" miscellaneous bill, which total over $15,000. We appreciate your continued prayer and support, and will keep everyone updated as we hear back from the hospital and other doctors.Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, unto him be glory in thechurch by Christ Jesus throughout all ages world without end. Amen! Ephesians 3:20-21
Author: Jessie
•Sunday, May 24, 2009
Psalm 9:9-10 promises: "
The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble".
This prayer request for Little Tait urges a request for prayer! Prayer for perseverance, faith, and trust in days of trial. Please lift up this precious little boy to the throne of grace along with our team! To find out more about this young man's story, additional needs and picture sideshows - please see Little Tait's Website.
My name is Tait Zimmerman Jr. and I am a little baby boy who, without the help of modern medicine, dedicated care and God's hand, would not be alive today! I was born 3 months before I should have been and am miraculously doing well today. I spent the first three months of my life in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, cared for by some terrific doctors and nurses! Now my mommy and daddy have to get creative to pay the hospital, doctors and the whole team who took care of me. We are currently attempting to raise $51,644 by June 3rd. If we do not raise that amount by the 4th, then our bill will be turned over to collections, and will skyrocket to the original total of $186,769. With God's blessing, work on our part, and the help of the body of Christ, it can be done! WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!
Author: Jessie
•Monday, May 11, 2009
Psalms 40:1 ~ "I waited patiently for the LORD; and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry.
Great news! After a very long day, Jo**** is finally home with his daddy.....God is an amazing and faithful God. Please continue to pray as Ja*** does all he can to KEEP Jo*** safe.
Psalms 55:22 ~ Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved
Author: Rachel
•Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Dear All,
Mrs. Amy McPhearson was my momma's best friend while growing up. They have maintained a close relationship still.
Ten years ago Mrs. McPhearson underwent surgery to try and rid her brain of cancer, and it didn't appear for that whole time. Within the past week she had been having a very hard time remembering things, and we now know that the cancer is back for certain, and according to the doctors she has very little time left.
We serve a God who doesn't follow medical rules; He is sovereign and all powerful! How we would rejoice if He healed her! However, if His will is to take Miss Amy home to Him (yes, rejoice! she is a Christian!) then who are we to ask otherwise?
She is married and has a young daughter. Please pray that the Lord would comfort them and her mother and father, and bring them closer to Him!
Also, please pray for her father who is having a hard time coming to grips with his daughter's situation. He seems to be trying to block it out from his head by keeping himself very busy, and has yet to visit her in the hospital.
Pray that Miss Amy won't be in pain, that she would rest in her Savior, and that the Lord's will would be done.
Glory be His,
Author: Jono
•Tuesday, May 05, 2009
We received an urgent email today that definitely calls for fervent prayer:
Please pray for the safety of my grandson Jo*. His mother, who is a meth addict, has taken him this morning. When he didn’t show up for school today, the school called my son Ja*. Ja* went to Jo's* mother's (T*) apartment and it was empty. After talking to a few of her “friends”, as well as her ex-husband, Ja* found out that she had failed a “UA” for methamphetamines with her probation officer, who decided to give her another chance. Ja* and his wife H* are out looking for T* and Jo* now at some motels where the addicts hang out. Obviously this is not a safe place to be so please pray for their safety as well. The police won’t get involved at this point because T* is Jo’s* mother so we’re not sure what else to do. Please pray for wisdom. But most of all, pray that Jo* will be found safe and unharmed quickly! Also, T* is a lost soul who needs Jesus. Pray that this will bring her to the point of seeking and finding our Savior!
As she has said, everyone needs prayer: Safety of Jo*, the salvation and safety of his mother T*, and the safety of Ja* and his wife H* while they are searching. May we also lift up all those who are likewise addicted to such terrible things, our God is great!
Glory to God,
Author: Unknown
•Thursday, April 30, 2009
Dear Friends,
Please lift up our Rachel's little sister, as she has come down with strep. Pray for quick healing and comfort for this dear girl!
Author: Jono
•Tuesday, April 28, 2009
"Grace to you, and peace, from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ."
As I'm sure you know, there are many Muslims turning to Christ in the Middle East, which is not exactly the most welcome corner of the world for a Follower of Christ. There is one man who has been separate from his family for as long as I can remember, and has been trying to flee the PA (Palestinian Authorities) and leave his country. He has seen his family and been able to help support them through a small business, but their contact was minimal and seldom at best. He was recently brought away to safety, but his family has not been so blessed. Only one of his sons is with him now, and they are working on getting his two older boys out (it will be harder because they are over 18) You will have to forgive me, but I can't really release every little detail (I don't even know them all) due to the risk of the authorities, who are not very happy with Christians.
There is a huge shortage of "Harvesters" in Israel and neighboring countries, "Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few" therefore let us pray that there be more ministers raised up. Please pray for Providential protection and peace to be upon 'S's family, and on those who are helping coordinate their exodus. In addition, let us not forget to pray for the PA and those who oppress our brothers and sisters "...and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you..."
By the Grace of God, and for His Glory,
Author: Jessie
•Monday, April 27, 2009
Blessed be the Name of the Lord! Please pray for the family and close friends as they cling onto Jesus for hope.
Thank you for earnestly beseeching the Lord for our dear friends, the K***** sisters. Caitlin joined her sister in heaven on April 24. The neurosurgeon determined on April 23 that she had no brain activity, but they kept her on on life support overnight while waiting for organ recipients to be lined up. The girls were both homeschooled, strong believers, and faithful workers for God's kingdom.
We are grieving for the loss of these two beautiful girls, but rejoice to know that Christ has overcome death and the grave. They have now entered a glorious eternity with their Savior that is greater than anything we can imagine. Please continue to pray for comfort for their parents. They are showing strong faith in the Lord, yet are still in shock and grief. These were their only two children.
Author: Reed
•Friday, April 24, 2009
Today at about noon Caitlin went to be with her Lord.
Please pray for the family....
Author: Unknown
•Thursday, April 23, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 7:12
Please continue to pray for this family, as Faith just passed away. We morn with them, as they will miss their precious daughter, and rejoice with her as she is now praising her King in His house, completely healed.
Caitlin is still on life support, with severe brain trauma, so pray fervently for her!
Our God is mighty, loving, and wise.
Author: Unknown
•Thursday, April 23, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 3:23
Two sisters, Faith and Caitlin K., were just in a car accident with a semi truck, and are now in the hospital, and desperately needing your prayers! Our God is a great Healer, and nothing is too great for Him.
So please lift up these girls and their family as they struggle for their lives. Pray for strength, faith, and complete healing.
John 15:7 If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.
Author: Rachel
•Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Brothers and sisters,
Our brother in China, Gao Zhisheng, has been kidnapped for his work as a Christian Attorney, defending and aiding Christians under persecution.
He was seen being hauled away on February 4th, and he has not been seen or heard from since. He has a wife and two children who are very worried for him, and have been very anxious to have him back in their home again.
Please keep this man and his family in your prayers. That Gao would be strong for his Savior and that his family would trust God and remain faithful. Pray that the Lord would be gracious to them all!
There is no greater honor than to suffer for our Savior.
In Jesus,
Author: Unknown
•Wednesday, April 15, 2009
On March 5, Marzieh Esmaeilabad and Maryam Rustampoor were arrested by Iranian security forces and labeled "anti-government activists," according to Farsi Christian News Network (FCNN). Marzieh and Maryam are being held at Evin Prison, which is notorious for treating women badly. "Both women are allowed just a one minute telephone call everyday to their immediate families. Both are unwell and in need of urgent medical attention," FCNN reported. During their last call on March 28, Mazieh said that she was suffering from an infection and high fever. She said, 'I am dying.'
Marzieh and Maryam's apartment was searched and their belongings were confiscated. "Their only crime is that they are committed Christians who follow the teachings of Jesus," FCNN added. 'They are being unfairly labeled as 'anti government activists' because of the hostility of the government towards practicing Christians.'
Please remember those who are suffering in bonds for our Lord's holy name. They need support and encouragement from their brethren around the world.
In Him,
Author: Jessie
•Tuesday, April 14, 2009
"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed. Yes, speak up for the poor and helpless, and see that they get justice." Proverbs 31:8,9
received an email, asking and reminding us to pray:
The United States is in dire need of foster parents. Please, pray that willing parents will come forth, and the children will go to happy, loving, Christian homes.
Thank you for lifting up holy hands to our Savior!
Author: Jessie
•Monday, April 13, 2009
Fellow Believers,
Thanks to all of you for your loving prayers and words of encouragement. It went well at the doctor's office today. The doctor concluded that our son's *name removed* heart is fine. EkG showed that his heart was delaying but not skipping.......His heartbeat is much improved now.
We're praising God that this wasn't a more serious issue!
Praise the Lord for answering prayers!
Author: Jessie
•Monday, April 13, 2009
Dear beloved believers in Jesus,
"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his might power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes" Ephesians 6: 10-11A sister in our Savior reminded us to continually pray for our troops, here in the States and those who are away from their families across the ocean. Please pray that the Lord will give them strength when they are weak and encouragement in Jesus.
"However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me-the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace." Acts 20:24
This beloved sister also reminded us to lift up our
missionaries...those who are
furthering the gospel and spreading the Word of God to tribes, people groups, and
countries all over the world.
May Christ Be Glorified!
Author: Jessie
•Wednesday, April 01, 2009
Hebrews 3:15 --
But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.
Brothers and Sisters in Jesus,
I wanted to take just a quick post to introduce you to our team. The Lord has blessed us with some great willing hearts and I am thrilled at what He is doing!
We are a few fellow believers in our saving Lord Jesus Christ who have joined together in prayer for the Saints all around the world. Our goal: To glorify God with our Hearts, Minds, and Souls in all we do, and to try our very best to honor our Lord through prayer and supplication to our King.
Our blog authors are taking turns posting requests, moderating comments, and designing the sites! Please meet:
Jono, and
In Christ,
Author: Petros
•Thursday, March 26, 2009
Prayer Warriors,
There is a family in our church that have 5 kids, and he just lost his job. Also, please pray for this dear family. Our brother in Christ just lost his wife due to influenza. The death of his wife has been really hard on him. Also, pray for their four children. They are all under the age of 10. Thanks so much! God Bless!
A sister in Christ
Author: Petros
•Thursday, March 26, 2009
Hello Brothers and Sisters, Today I received a request from a friend who is pretty near to me:
Please be in prayer with us for Ste****. His heart is beating irregularly: skipping every 4th beat or so. Please pray that the doctor can determine the cause particularly since the symptoms intermittently disappear.
Please pray that God would give him Grace to Help in Times of Need, Thank you for your prayers for our requests we've posted to date.
Author: Jessie
•Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
I would like to lift up our dear blog team member - Ceira who broke her ankle (her tibia)! Please pray for complete healing, patience, and trust in Christ's unfailing love during the next couple of weeks. "Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus" (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)
We love you Ceira!
Jessie, for the team
Author: Petros
•Monday, March 09, 2009
I have recieved joyous news about Chris K. from the earlier post.
He is healed and he thanks all of the faithful brothers and sisters in Christ who prayed for him all across this land.
He truly believes that this recovery is due to the hundreds if not thousands of prayers lifted up to our Lord, so do we here at Before the Throne of Grace.
So, brethren, I thank you on behalf of Chris K. and on behalf of the prayer team for lifting this man up in prayer to our King, and pray that we will continue in our ministry to the sick and those who need prayer.
Thanking the Lord for this miraculous recovery,
Author: Unknown
•Thursday, March 05, 2009
Alyssa has been having ongoing health issues, causing her pain. So far doctors have not been able to find the reason. I know this can be very trying, so please pray that the cause will become apparent, and that the loving Physician will ease her pain, and heal this dear girl.
In Him,
Author: Petros
•Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Dear brothers and sisters,
Please pray for me.
All day I have been suffering from hypothermia. My temperature goes from 95.1 to 93.5.
In a few rare cases, an MS lesion can block a particular nerve and cause this untreatable condition that can lead to a coma or even death.
Or it could be a sinus infection interfering with the MS and causing this reaction. I am taking antibiotics starting today.
Over the last few weeks, I have been having some symptoms. I took my temp. and because it was so low, I just thought the thermometer was broken. Two weeks ago, I went to a general practitioner doctor and after they took my temp. twice, they thought 2 thermometers were broken! The Dr. saw some redness in my right ear and gave me a prescription for antibiotics (just in case) there was an ear infection. I did not take it at the time, thinking I did not have an infection. However, lately I have had some pain in my face- in my sinus area- and my ears still seem a little blocked. Especially since this onslaught of continuous lower temperature I am taking the antibiotics today.
I am crying out to God for His mercy and healing. I know if He but "says the word" I will be healed. I am also asking for wisdom on how I should cope with this and what treatment I should pursue. I am particularly thinking about calling an ambulance soon.
Please pray to our Father and ask Him to heal me and show me mercy. I know the scripture says, "The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much." So I am asking you, my brothers and sisters, to pray for me now.
God bless you all! "He Gives and Takes Away. Blessed be the name of our Lord!"
Chris K
Please pray so very fervently for this man. Pray the Lord would be merciful to him, and relieve him of his trials.
In Jesus,
Author: Rachel
•Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Brothers and Sisters,
Tonight I would like to lift up some important people, though not by name. There are a few couples that have asked for prayer regarding adoption. Many of these couples are going through the "consideration period." Let us pray that the Lord will guide them to a decision that honors Him, and that they will be at peace with whatever that decision may be.
Other couples are in the "house visit period." Now, as you can imagine this time can be very stressful and nerve-racking. We should pray that the Lord would bless their efforts, and that He would remove all stress from this process.
Adoption is a wonderful way for Christian couples and families to reach out to the orphan. Not only providing food and shelter, but also God's love.
The Lord bless these couples and families.
In Jesus,
Author: Petros
•Monday, February 23, 2009
The North Dakota House of Representatives has passed HB 1572, which defines "person" to be any organism with the human genome. This bill has wonderful pro-life implications, so please rejoice in the Lord with me for this great victory. However, the battle isn't completely won: Please pray that the Senate would also pass this bill, that the Governor will sign, and especially that it would not get thrown out in court.
Nathan H.
Praise the Lord for those willing to give up their time and money for the unborn!
We will be praying for this bill and we ask all readers to do the same.
In our gracious Lord Jesus Christ,
Author: Jessie
•Friday, February 20, 2009
Romans 12:12 ~ Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.
When you truly love someone, you want to build a deeper relationship with that person. Long walks and talks sound appealing and things like baking cookies help us bond stronger with that loved one. The point of prayer is to build a deeper relationship with Christ. Even though the Lord knows everything before we kneel as His Throne of Grace, prayer is a way to acknowledge our need of dependence on Him. God is sovereign no matter the situation, time, or place and through His Will, He answers our prayers. Not always the way we think is good or right but in a way that will bring us closer to Him. It also shows a reminder that it would be a disaster if we always did get what we asked for! His wisdom and perspective is far greater than ours we can take hope "for all things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His Purpose." (Romans 8:28)
I encourage you to rest in His Salvation and Grace! He is our strong tower and fortress in the day of trouble. Our Hope and Trust stands in His Unfailing Love. His works are wondrous and seeing them should cause us to want to fall on our knees and praise Him for His Goodness. He is sufficient for us and our strength. May this remind us of our hard hearts and our need for a Savior alone to the road of redemption.
We serve the Creator of the Universe! Come, let us praise His Name together...
Praising the Lord that loved me, a sinner needing His Grace alone for forgiveness,
Author: Petros
•Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Greetings Brethren!
The purpose of this blog is to bring all our thoughts and prayers before the Cross.
If you have a prayer request, please send us an email by clicking
here. Please include a name (even a psudonym, or initials), and let us know if you would prefer to have your request posted publicly or not. Either way, we will be praying for you!
Thanks for Reading our posts!
May we do all to the Glory of God!!